Sawsan Hajhasan — Capsules Book

Sawsan Hajhasan     


Sawsan Hajhasan was born and raised in Amman, the capital city of Jordan. Her artwork is inspired by her cultural heritage, experiences travelling, and the rich history of art in her region. She loves working with oil, acrylic and ink, especially when producing work that combines calligraphy and abstract art.

Her relationship with art and design began at an early age by visiting exhibitions with her mother, an avid art collector. She studied art, painting and calligraphy classes under the guidance of well known Arab artists. Sawsan describes her early lessons as an invaluable foundation for her work today as an artist. Her qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Jordan and a diploma in interior design from the KLC School of Design, London, UK. 


Instagram: @sawsanarts