Gaia Starace
Gaia Starace is inspired by the classical Old Masters techniques and her interest in Eastern philosophy. Her work explores topics of cultural memories, environmental issues and spirituality. Gaia’s experimental practice integrates diverse disciplines such as installation, painting, photography and sculpture. She aims to influence the viewer’s perception by encouraging physical, emotional and aesthetic participation.
Gaia’s paintings exist at the boundaries of abstraction, influenced by minimalism and conceptual art. Smooth surfaces, the use of contrasting hues and fluid brushstrokes, the subtle balance of the materiality harmonically coalesces, and an aspiration to evoke an avant-garde, sublime experience are characteristic elements of her practice.
She obtained her architecture degree in Rome, Italy and completed her Master of Art, UNSW Art & Design in Australia. Gaia’s creative practice is based in Sydney, and her work has been exhibited successfully in Australia and internationally.