Jenna Mae Conlin


Jenna Mae Conlin describes her work as a combination of surrealism and expressionism. She favours vibrant, bold colours and uses acrylic paint to produce her striking paintings which are rich in texture and colour. Her creative practice is self-taught and depicts scenes from her dreams and visions. In addition to her personal projects, she also enjoys working with clients to visualise their thoughts and ideas. 

The inspiration for Jenna Mae’s artwork stems from her Christian faith, 

“God is my inspiration for life, painting and creating. I strive to shed light on the supernatural world and paint scenes that will cause the viewer to reflect on deeper matters than the physical, and ask the tougher questions of life. Ultimately, I hope people will discover a level of love and hope that can only be found through Jesus Christ.”

Jenna Mae has participated in several exhibitions, galleries and pop-up art shows. She has collaborated with Open Mind Emporium, a creative agency to sell and exhibit a selection of her work and regularly attends art markets and festivals to sell and showcase her paintings. She lives with her family in Phoenix, Arizona. 


Instagram: @jennamaeart
Facebook: JennaMae Art