Severin Baschung
As a self-thaught artist and illustrator, Severin loves to study the methodologies of artists past and present. Today, he works mainly digital, but when it comes to the early stage of a new artwork, pencil and paper are still a key component of his creative practice. Once happy with the composition and viewpoint, he then scans his sketches and renders his finished pieces digitally. Confessing to a love of order, he uses a well organized layerering system so that he can keep control over the pictorial elements as long as necessary. However, experimenting with new techniques, materials and software plays an important role in his process, as he is convinced that leaving the comfort zone plays an integral part in growing as an artist.
One of his earliest inspirations were European comic book artists such as Albert Uderzo (Asterix), Morris (Lucky Luke), Hergé (Les aventures de Tintin) and Rob-Vel and Franquin (Spirou et Fantasio). Currently he finds great inspiration in mid century illustrated advertisements. Severin also gathers new inspiration from studying old masters and contemporary artists, good books, movies, nature and by observing the people around him. He is most happy when his works provoke an emotional reaction, so he aims to find and include an indiscrete tension within his works to achieve this.