Sanya A (LaSanya)


Sanya is an illustrator and graphic designer from Gurgaon. She is currently studying in Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, in Bangalore. Sanya has sold prints and stickers of her artwork across the country and would love to start her own product line one day.

β€œThe majority of my recent work is character re-designs. My work is inspired by the cartoon characters from television shows and movies that I have grown up watching. Sometimes I am so in awe of them, that I feel like drawing them as they are, but I like to play around and imagine alternative personalities of the same character and re-design them in amusing ways.”

For the majority of her creative practice, Sanya has used traditional mediums such as pencils and ink to produce detailed illustrations, however, she has also recently integrated digital applications into her work and now uses Adobe Illustrator for her character designs and other artworks.

Instagram: @__Lasanya