Yu-Jen Kuo is an illustrator and digital content creator. 

After completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts majoring in painting and calligraphy, and minoring in motion picture, she co-founded Informaship (Taiwan), a digital content solution studio. Since then, Informaship, in collaboration with third party creative studios, has produced content for clients including, Samsung, Porsche, Audi, Mercedes Benz and McDonald’s. 

Film and her day-to-day life inspire her work. “I take note of every moment and conversation I overhear on the metro or people I meet or see in the streets. I represent these characters and their attributes in graphics, illustrations or multimedia artworks”. These works are produced by collaging photographs, video content or hand drawings which she records on her  phone daily. 

Yu-Jen Kuo currently works and resides in Taipei, Taiwan. 

Instagram: @jossefpark