Hao Wang


Hao Wang is a digital artist located in San Diego, California.

The subjects of his portraits are primarily focused on popular-culture icons and are juxtaposed with graphic icons, textures and patterns which assist in forming his distinct aesthetic.

“Drawing has been a hobby of mine for decades. It started out as a means of passing the time during school, but it slowly became a vehicle of my expression and progression. I used to work primarily in coloured pencils, but I switched to digital media a year ago. I’ve always been obsessed with the minute details, and I love to be able to render those details and even bring them to the foreground. I’ve always gravitated towards semi-realism, and there’s nothing more intricate than a human face. Every fold in the skin and the most subtle colour gradient all work in unison to convey the soul of the subject. It is a personal challenge to capture that essence.”

Instagram: @hwdraws
Facebook: fb.com/hwdrawss
Twitter: @hwdraws