Francesco Bruni


Art has been a part of Francesco Bruni’s life from a young age, and drawing was one of the first skills he learned. At the age of 17, and influenced by Italian street artist, Blu, he began to take his creative practice seriously and committed to developing his skill set. When he was 19, he relocated to Valencia, Spain to study and work for the next seven years.

He completed his undergraduate course in graphic design at E.A.S.D, Valencia. Wanting to continue his studies, Francesco pursued a master’s degree in concept art, graduating from Aula Tematica in 2018.

Francesco produces his work using a combination of Adobe Photoshop and freehand drawing. His inspirations include Fastone, Moebius, Bom K from Mental Vaporz, Paco Tuercas and H.R. Gieger. He currently resides in Osimo, Ancona, Italy.

“I’m inspired by sci-fi, I love to draw anything that seems surreal, paranormal atmospheres, monsters, creatures, all my paranoia is there. My point of strength is the line.”

Instagram: @freshmiir