Drawn 4 News
stay up-to-date with latest announcements regarding Drawn 4
Production Status
How Soon Will I Receive My Profile For Approval ?
We endeavour to deliver your print ready profile to you for your approval within 35 days of receiving your assets for the publication.
I want to update the work I have submitted. What should I do?
Once you have received your profile for approval you will have the opportunity to make any necessary revisions to the artwork, layout and supporting information provided so as long as the changes requested do not breach the parameters of the style guide developed for the publication.
When should I expect to receive my copy of the publication?
Drawn Volume.4 will be released December 16, 2020. Your copy of the publication will be dispatched to you immediately after the release of the publication.
What should I do if I have have a new shipping address?
If you now have a shipping address that differs from the address you originally provided it is important that you contact us immediately to provide your updated shipping details so that your copy of the publication can be delivered successfully.
How long does it take to receive my copy of the publication once my order has been marked as fulfilled?
Once you have received notification that your order has been fulfilled the majority of deliveries will be made within 2-3 weeks. However, depending on your location some zones may require up to 3-6 weeks for the delivery to be made. We appreciate you waiting until this time period has lapsed to receive your publication before contacting us.
Watch this space for important announcements
October 2020:
We’re now in the production state of the publication! Please submit your postal address details in this online form - please bear in mind the book will be shipped in December.
If you haven’t yet uploaded your online artwork, please do so before 31st October, and don’t forget you can upload up to eight works!