Colleen Muske


Colleen Muske is a New York born artist and writer who lives in Minnesota. She has studied at Minneapolis College of Art and Design, E.B. Lewis Visual Mentorship, Carrie Hartman Studio’s, and The Loft Literary Center. Colleen’s illustrations are brimming with pattern and texture pulled from the natural world that surrounds her. She has worked in the Children’s book publishing market, greeting cards, various corporate projects and private commissions.

Working as a traditional artist, Colleen paints with gouache and watercolor on paper. Influences come from a variety of places, like Matisse’s brightly colored paintings and cut paper art, to Barbara Cooney’s children’s book illustration. She lives with her husband and two dogs in a creaky old house, in historic Saint Paul.


Website: | Tumblr: cmuske
Instagram: @colleenmuske
Facebook: colleenmuskewrites
Twitter: @ColleenMuske