Andrea Uruburok


Andrea Uruburok is a designer, illustrator, and character designer based in Orlando, Florida. High-end design aesthetic and advanced technical talent carries her towards projects that result in highly influential and recognised pieces for clients such as YMCA, Cisco and more.

Graduated from Taller Cinco Design University in Bogotรก, Colombia in 2011, Andrea loves to work in all kinds of art analogue mediums, as well as software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Right now, her favourite platform is Procreate. She continues to build her skills in concept art and art direction.

Usually, she creates characters inspired by literature and philosophy, inserting them into her own dystopic and sometimes surrealistic perspective of the world. She is an avid photographer and lover of both music and cinema. Currently, she works for the awarded animation agency Digital Brew and is available to work remotely for domestic and international clients.

Instagram: @andreaurock
Facebook: @andreauruburok
Twitter: @andreaurock