Adam Carvalho


Adam Carvalho is a product and transportation designer with a strong focus on human experience. He describes his work as “Simple, honest, not-so-serious. Art and design are one of the few industries you get paid for having fun, so it should feel fun.” 

Adam was born and raised in a small town west of Toronto. He began drawing from a young age, doodling dinosaurs and Batman. Adam also loved making things, which prompted him to learn about creative illustration and industrial design. This interest led him to Humber College ITAL where he studied a Bachelor of Industrial Design. Since graduating, he has worked for design studios located in Canada and Austria. Adam has contributed to the design of the Husqvarna 701 Vitpilen motorcycle and has had the opportunity to work in wearables, automotive/transportation design, and high-end AV.

Adam’s creative practise uses a combination of traditional analogue and digital techniques, including pencil and paper, his Wacom tablet and Adobe Photoshop. His personal work is inspired by Daniel Simon, Ash Thorp and Majiec Kuciara. 

Instagram: @CRTWRKS